Being Mom and Dad (or how 2+1=1)
Our lives crossed paths over 20 years ago, and brought us, from Brazil to NYC, through a lot of experiences and with a lot of love, to this point in our lives. We are parents now. We waited for the right moment, and it just never came, so we decided to throw caution to the wind and open ourselves to the possibility of having a little person enter this relationship we had so tenderly shared together as a couple. Little did we know how...
And then there were 3… (part 1)
My husband and I had been happily together for almost 2 decades. We had discussed having children but had agreed to wait until the time was right. During those 20 years, I had worked with children of all ages, but had spent at least 10 years working with babies and very young children. I loved spending time with them, love playing with them, learning about their development, kissing those little cheeks and laughing with them. I am...