Best IDNYC Deals for Families
IDNYC is a free municipal id by NYC, which also offers, among many other advantages, 33 FREE memberships to some of the greatest cultural institutions in the city. It’s an amazing offer. So amazing, that it can be somewhat overwhelming to look through all the benefits and figure out which ones could best benefit your family. There are some great offers besides the memberships, such as discounts to the gym, supermarket,...
Interactive Play Exhibit for Kids (Free)
An amazing exhibit has just opened in NYC and will run through May 15th, 2015, The Wonder of Learning Exhibit (The Hundred Languages of Children) based on the work of the children and teachers of Reggio Emilia in Italy. The Reggio Emilia approach is an educational philosophy for preschool and primary education that has been hailed as some of the best in the world. The emphasis in on exploration, community and a supportive self guided...